by Tom Grady
To the Editor,
I never enjoy myself so much in my later years as when I meet with the Golden Agers. A group like this doesn’t run itself. It takes dedicated, methodical planners who pull it off month after month. Our heroes, President Earl and Andrea Morgan, and others who work tirelessly, keeping this group together with interesting things to do, or say. They make it look easy. There’s such a spirit here, not a grinch in the bunch, all with amazing memorable stories out of the past. Anthologies you’ll only find in a small town such as this. A little like the play “Our Town,” by Thornton Wilder.
I’m speaking for myself when I say If you want to join, all you need is a couple of crow’s feet! When you’re my age and each day passes, it’s true, laughter is the best medicine. This club beats them all. The more the merrier!
The taxpaying citizens are finally getting a Senior Citizen Center, a part of the Masonic building. Ironically, almost 40 years ago, back in the 80s when I was on the Council on Aging board along with Carol Ina, Rocco DeNegress, Rev. David Forsyth, Fr. Harrington, Rosemary Kerry, and Leroy’s wife (I’m drawing a blank, sorry). We approached the Masons for the very same reason, without success.
As I recall, there wasn’t much interest in planning for a senior center, or anything else. Mostly wastewater and old schools were on the docket. No pressures or mandates from the State, as we face today.
It’s easy to look back and say we should have done this or that. I suspect with the planet warming up, flood zones will be the next priority occupying our time and taxes. I was told we need 118 more housing units to meet the states low-income mandate requirements. Now we have the MBTA Zoning mandate to deal with. What’s next?
I wonder what new amenities the Seniors will enjoy 40 years from now? The senior population will nearly double. Something to ponder if you’re planning to stay. If so, do not sit back and relax. There are solutions, but not in my backyard!
Tom Grady
Member, Manchester Housing Authority, Manchester