Our daughter's wedding is next month…it will break her heart if my Dad can’t go.

As August approaches, our family is filled with excitement and anticipation for our daughter's upcoming wedding.  It's a milestone event, a celebration of love and unity that we have been …

How’s your Dragon?

If you don’t relate to the title of this article, you are either blissfully absenting yourself from current events, or you slipped into a black hole while you weren’t paying attention. …

Heirlooms or clutter?

By Joanne MacInnis RN CDP, President, Aberdeen Home Care, Inc. Mom’s house is packed…Where will it all go? For those of us who have been through it, we attest that this is …

My grandchild is graduating…What in the world can I give them?

Years ago, it might have been a fancy pen set, a watch, or a briefcase.   But times change, and so do the tokens of our affection.   What will be forever meaningful to your graduate long …

Memorial Day….

For the last 55 years, I have made a late May pilgrimage to Rosedale Cemetery in Manchester.  Many readers will have and continue to share this experience.  This annual event has much to offer …

Weddings…Showers…Graduations…OH MY!

Various factors impact our ability to “do what we used to.”  However, accommodations can usually be made for many areas of need.  As we fly head-first into graduation and …

Has the world gone mad?

It certainly feels like it.   Violent and dangerous behavior seems to be standard. We aren’t shocked by mass shootings anymore.   A cargo ship takes down a major inner city bridge, …

Just about everything falls apart at some point
Not all at once, but with use and years, parts fail.   Whether it’s a car, a dishwasher, or our bodies, time takes its toll.   What are we to do with that nugget of reality? In …
Essex Senior Living | Feb 9
The Essex Council on Aging offers a variety of fantastic events and trips for seniors.   For further information or to sign up for an event, please call the Essex COA Office at 978-768-7932 or …
Sickness is everywhere… How do we stay healthy?
Viral and bacterial infections are rampant and are responsible for spiking emergency room visits and hospital admissions.   Our vaccines and disease-acquired immunity are not protecting us as we …
The Best Holiday Gift
Want to know what one of the best Holiday gifts you can give your loved ones this year? It’s not what you think. It’s not an all-expense paid Viking River Cruise, although I’m …
Time to head South? Maybe not.
What a relief not to have worried about Mom and Dad during the winter months; no slipping on ice, driving in snow, frozen pipes, furnace failures, or snow removal.  They enjoyed winter outdoor …
I’m Suffering Inside. The pot on the stove is boiling over.
Here we are in a new age of Egyptian plagues. War. Gun violence. Natural disasters. Political absurdity. What’s next? People are suffering. What can I do in real time? How do I personally …
I’m SO Overwhelmed…
Are you spinning plates of spaghetti over your head?   Are you in the sandwich generation, caring for children, parents, or other aging loved ones?   It has been manageable …
Pets and People_blindness.jpg
Causes of Blindness in Dogs and Cats
  If you notice your pet is disoriented, bumping into objects, and struggling to find food and toys, these all may be signs of blindness.  There are many potential causes of blindness in dogs …
Senior Living in Essex
The Essex COA offers a variety of events and trips for seniors.  For further information or to sign up for an event, please call the Essex COA Office at 978-768-7932 or visit the Senior Center at 17 …
Senior Highlights | August 18
There’s a lot set to happen with the Council on Aging (COA) in the coming weeks.  Check them out here, and for on any of these great trips or to reserve your seat on the van, please …
Seniors news from around the web
Data shows nursing home inspection backlog is improving very slowly. Here's how it looks in your state.
Nursing Homes analyzed nursing home inspection data from the CMS to provide an update on the post-COVID-19 challenges to oversight.
5 Evolving Trends on End-of-Life Matters
(Family Features) One of the most difficult conversations many people have in their lives involves the end of life. While often uncomfortable to think about or discuss with others, talking about and sharing end-of-life wishes should be a common occurrence.
5 simple steps to transform your bathroom into a summer spa-like sanctuary
(BPT) - When faced with long, activity-filled summer days, do you find yourself retreating to the bathroom to get some peace and breathing room away from the kids, roommates and the stress of daily …
5 Things You Need to Know About Fatty Liver Disease
(BPT) - For nearly 25% of Americans living with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, a more serious condition is silently progressing. Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, or NASH, is a dangerous form of …
Unlock better sleep: Treatments to overcome sleep apnea
(BPT) - Do you snore? You may be tempted to dismiss it as an annoying but nonserious condition. You may even have a family history of snoring or think of it as an unavoidable side effect of aging. …
News for Seniors

Finding hope after tragedy through virtual reality: Emily’s story

(BPT) - In June 2023, an electrical house fire in Coatesville, Pennsylvania, set Emily Dorsheimer, 53, on a difficult health journey. She suffered severe burns to her leg, face and hands in the fire. …

How to say buh-bye to 'Ozempic face'

(BPT) - Are you one of the many Americans who has benefited from losing weight quickly due to GLP-1 medications? If so, you're probably feeling grateful for the improved health and appearance these …

Focus on autoimmune disease: One woman’s journey with Graves’ and thyroid eye disease

(BPT) - Sponsored by ImmunovantChristine Gustafson had always been the picture of health. She swam a mile each day and biked regularly. Then, seemingly overnight, she began experiencing a series of …

From Exhaustion to Empowerment: Hannah Corbin's Health Journey

(BPT) - Five years ago, in the prime of her fitness career, longtime Peloton instructor Hannah Corbin was teaching several classes a week and never running short on energy. Always having maintained a …

Helping heroes RISE: Wounded vets get accessible smart homes

(BPT) - “Freedom and security are precious gifts that we, as Americans, should never take for granted. We must do all we can to extend our hand in times of need to those who willingly sacrifice …

Times have changed: How to reclaim your power over perimenopause

(BPT) - Expert advice from Eva Beaulieu, M.D., a well-respected internal medicine specialist As women, we're accustomed to navigating many stages and transitions throughout our lives, each with its …

10 ways to keep eyes comfortable during digital device use

(BPT) - Do you experience eye discomfort, fatigue or dryness after working on a computer or spending time on your smartphone? It could be digital eye strain, which can be felt after as few as two …

How a coalition of organizations is helping to Face the Fight

(BPT) - Military veterans embody the strength of our nation. And while the overwhelming majority of those who have served our country are thriving, we must confront the fact that more than 125,000 …

2 in 5 U.S. Adults Over 50 Report Feeling Lonely: How Adult Children Can Help Their Parents Live Independently and Feel Less Isolated

(BPT) - As baby boomers transition into their golden years, the demand for senior care technology that connects parents and children is skyrocketing. Now, more than ever, many seniors desire to …

7 ways to make your parents' home (or yours) safer for aging in place

(BPT) - Aging in place, the ability to live at home safely as we age, is crucial for many of us. The Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation at the University of Michigan recently found 88% of …

5 of the most effective supplements to support longevity and healthy aging

(BPT) - Longevity is one of the buzziest trends in wellness today, with a multitude of treatments and influential biohacking gurus promising to combat aging, extend lifespan, and improve the quality …
Can you recognize the 4 Ps of a scam?
(BPT) - Have you ever received a call or message from someone claiming to be from a governmental agency like the Internal Revenue Service or Social Security, or even claiming to be your grandchild? …
Exercise, meditate, sleep, eat: Stress management tips from Mississippi's Nurse of the Year
(BPT) - How's your stress level? If you're like most people — 75% of Americans experienced stress in the past month according to a 2022 survey by the American Psychological Association — …
6 online shopping tips to help you save money
(BPT) - Whether you're shopping for a special occasion or purchasing everyday necessities, ordering items that you need and want online can be a great way to save money, especially if you stay …
Planning a DIY bathroom remodel or refresh? 9 reasons to include a bidet seat
(BPT) - This renovation season, DIY projects are more popular than ever as people look to keep costs down. And whether you're planning a full bathroom remodel or a refresh of fixtures, paint and …
World’s smallest pacemaker helps busy engineer stay active after a series of strokes from abnormal heart rhythm
(BPT) - Steve Rouillard of Detroit has always been a hands-on, do-it-yourself person. His life as an aerospace engineer keeps him busy, while in his spare time, he enjoys frequent getaways to the …
Help Mom maintain her independence and preserve your peace of mind
(BPT) - As your mother ages, it's natural to start thinking about where she'll live out her golden years. Don't be surprised if she decides to stay put instead of moving.Over the last 20 years, more …
More seniors news

Healthy Brain Aging: Strategies to Help Your Brain and Body

(BPT) - Whether you’ve heard about cognitive health recently in the news or have a loved one who may be showing signs of cognitive decline, it’s natural to worry about how your brain …

Is a dirty air filter sabotaging your indoor air quality and the life of your HVAC?

(BPT) - When's the last time you changed your HVAC's air filter? If you can't remember, you're not alone. Dirty air filters are one of the top reasons for HVAC service calls. This common — yet …

Seven things everyone should know about retina specialists

(BPT) - Healthy sight allows you to see all of the world’s wonders, and healthy retinas make healthy sight possible. When retinal disease strikes and a clear view of the world is replaced by a …

Redefining grandparenthood: Finding success as an older, yet more involved, grandparent

(BPT) - Young parenthood is becoming a thing of the past. In 2021, the mean age of mothers giving birth for the first time was 27.3, a record high for the U.S. As a result, their parents are becoming …

Five tips to help reduce health care costs

(BPT) - Do you fully understand what your doctor tells you during a checkup? If you don’t, you’re not alone.A recent UnitedHealthcare study found that two out of three people don't …

1 in 4 Americans are physically inactive. Here's how that impacts you as you age.

Northwell Health partnered with Stacker to analyze CDC data about Americans' physical activity levels and how they vary by age.
Lifestyle features