Spaulding Education Fund: How Each of Us Can Help


To the Editor,

As an Essex resident, I’m proud of our excellent MERSD schools and strive to support public education in any way I can, knowing that strong schools are the backbone of our community.
I’ve been excited to see new life being brought to the Spaulding Education Fund (SEF), which funds grants for programs that enhance the academic curriculum of the Manchester Essex Regional School District.
The feature article in the 27 Sept. edition of The Cricket titled “Fresh Energy at the Spaulding Education Fund” was informative, well-researched and eye-opening. It showed what an in-credible organization SEF is, and also the discrepancy in SEF’s assets compared to sur-rounding towns. I know that Essex and Manchester can come together to bring Spaulding Ed Fund into a new era in which it has a robust endowment from which to fund grants to support MERSD students.
You might wonder—what can Manchester and Essex community members, business own-ers, leaders, parents, grandparents, and students do to support SEF?
Here’s how each of us can help!
1. Be a part of SEF’s biggest annual fundraiser, the Night of the Stars Talent Show, on Nov. 2. Auditions are right around the corner - 10/16 and 10/19. If you aren’t up for being part of the show, no problem—just purchase tickets and take in the incredible talent in our community from the audience. Early bird ticket pricing through Oct 25!
2. Make a general donation to support SEF, or become a Spaulding business sponsor. SEF currently has no endowment and relies upon the generous donations of residents and business owners in Manchester and Essex to fund grants to students!
3. Follow SEF on social media - their Instagram and Facebook pages are a great place to check out grants that have been funded, see SEF’s future plans, share updates and reach out with ideas!
For more information or to donate, visit
I’m proud to be part of this community, and am looking forward to helping Spaulding Edu-cation Fund as it supports MERSD students in becoming the most brilliant and brightest part of our future!
Betsy McKeen