ME Football Returns Home After Earning First Win of 2024


After passing their first test in an unfamiliar environment, the Manchester Essex football team is coming home to play in front of local fans for the first time in 2024.
The Hornets made crucial plays in the last couple minutes of the game to pull out a 22-15 win over West Bridgewater in the first game of the season, giving the local football team a 1-0 record as they return to the familiar confines of Hyland Field for their home opener against Rockland on Sept. 20 (6 p.m.)
“We cannot wait for our home opener,” explains Manchester Essex football coach Joe Grimes. “We love our little stadium, and it gets packed on Friday nights. The first game is always electric, and the fans, parents and school community members make it such a special environment for us. I’m especially excited for our seniors who only get these few more opportunities to run on that field and represent their communities – it’s always special for those guys.”
The Hornets lost to Rockland on the road by a 33-16 score in 2023, but this year’s team should look quite different from that Bulldog’s squad.
“We saw them last year and they had powerful running attack and well-disciplined team that didn’t make many mistakes,” says Grimes. “They were senior-heavy, so we expect some different looks this year. They started on a bye, so we haven’t seen the 2024 squad all together yet, but we’ll be prepared for a physical contest where we need our execution to be spot on.”
Thankfully, Manchester Essex showed it could be spot-on with its execution in pulling out a victory over a fast, physical West Bridgewater team on September 6. The Hornets gained possession of the ball while down by a score of 15-14 with just under five minutes remaining in the game. Quarterback Zach Hurd led his team on a drive that ate up about four minutes of game time and culminated in Hurd not only scoring a touchdown on a two-yard scamper, but also converting the two-point conversion on the ground as well. The lengthy drive and critical scoring gave Manchester Essex a 22-15 lead and left the Wildcats with just under a minute of game time left in which to cover 80 yards and attempt to at least tie things up with a touchdown. It was up to the Hornet defense to keep West Bridgewater from doing just that and securing the win.                                  
“This fall, we had a lot of personnel turn over on defense due to graduation, but this new 2024 edition held strong in those 53 seconds despite a very good push from West Bridgewater,” says Grimes.
Linebacker/running back Gabe Magee was an instrumental part of the Manchester Essex defense making its stand during the final minute of the contest.
“Senior Gabe Magee also had a terrific game on both sides of the ball including a very difficult and well-executed series of tackles on the final defensive stand,” says Grimes. “A great team victory and a great way to start 2024.” In addition to the game-winning score, Hurd also ripped off a 68-yard touchdown run in the second quarter and connected with Noah Cohen for a two-point conversion after Conrad Garfield’s one-yard rushing touchdown in the second quarter.
“Zach played really well and probably had his best football game so far,” explains Grimes. “He was an efficient 9-for-13 in the air – six of those passes [were] for first downs -- and carried the ball 15 times for 161 yards. He also had 12 tackles and a key third quarter interception from the safety position.”
All high school football teams in the state are required to take a bye week in 2024. Rockland’s bye was last week, and Manchester Essex will take its bye this week instead of playing on the weekend of Sept. 13-14.
“Given the odd football calendar, all teams must take at least one bye week during the season, so this week is our turn to rest, watch some film and prepare for Rockland who we’ll see next Friday for our home opener,” says Grimes.