I’m Supporting MBTA/3A Proposed Zoning at STM

To the Editor,
Have you been perplexed by the yellow yard signs scattered around Town that say “Save MBTS”?  They want us to vote “No” on the proposed MBTA zoning bylaw at the Special Town Meeting on November 18.
What they don’t tell us is exactly what it is that we are to be saved from.  Are we to be saved from families with children?  Seniors hoping to downsize?  Grant money from the State to help build our town infrastructure?   Housing options other than over-priced single-family homes?
What is so scary about this that we need to be “saved”?  If we want to be scared, consider being sued by the Massachusetts Attorney General and having our taxes go up to pay the legal bills and make up for the loss of State grants.
Is their hope that by voting “No” the Governor and legislature will quietly give up on their goal to provide much needed housing to bolster the State’s economy?  They passed the bill unanimously.  Has anyone seen evidence of an effort to repeal or even modify the law? 
Not even Milton has challenged its validity.  Milton adopted a plan which was subsequently overturned by a citizen petition.  They got sued for being out of compliance–but the case is not about the legality of the law.  Regardless of how the Court rules, the basic Law will still be in effect and Manchester will still have to comply.
The Town has put together a plan to comply with the Law and that will provide controls to limit development and encourage thoughtful design.  Let’s get this done at Town Meeting on November 18 and move on to more important issues.
Axel Magnuson