Body Movin'

Favorite Spot: The Magnolia Pier


I love the Magnolia Pier. So much so that I have it tattooed on my arm!

For me it is all about conquering your fears and just going for it.  Kind of like life itself.  I have been jumping long enough to watch little kids grow into adults; and I still feel like a little kid myself every time I launch myself into a potential hospital visit.  It’s actually not that dangerous; as long as you don’t land on your back, or jump at low tide.

One of my favorite things about the pier is how well everyone gets along.  Bigger kids will help the smaller ones (and some adults) build up their nerve to jump for the first time, and cheer them when they do.

And of course I have been photographing from the beginning.  Most of the kids know me, and we work together on these pictures, choreographing the jumps, and doing them again and again until we get it right.