We live in a Constitutional Republic. We elect representatives that, in theory, represent us
and act on our behalf. They are not supposed to represent the Federal Government or
State Government or even the local town or city government. They actually represent us,
the citizens that put them in office. They should represent us in our wishes and make
every effort to meet our expectations and not any other entity.
That is why I just don’t understand the actions of the Rockport Planning Board and Selectmen. They do not appear to be objecting to or fighting against the State’s efforts to overrule our Legal Home Rule Rights and ultimately control our town’s zoning. You can fabricate a diverting, self-delusional explanation as to what the MBTA/State is trying to do, but it is simply their shameless attempt to steal our rights.
This attempted transparent seizure of our rights is going on in Gloucester and Manchester, as well as many other communities. Other towns are standing up to our bullying state, so why not ours? I would expect the representatives of the citizens of Rockport to advise us on how they could fight this disguised seizure of our legal rights and not be selling us on complying with the state’s illegal actions.
Many people spoke up against the MBTA/State’s efforts to steal our rights at the Planning
Board Presentation this past December 14th. Since it was apparent that many of Rockport
Citizens are against this, I am hoping that our so-called representatives will actually start
standing with their citizens and stand up to the State. Are they representing the citizens of
Rockport or the MBTA/State? I ask them to please make the right decision. Thank you.
John T. Kolackovsky