To the Editor,
Manchester-Essex Softball Association (“MESA”), a 501(c)(3) organization, was created in 2023 to focus on creating the best atmosphere for our K-8th grade softball players. Due to low participation over the past few years, the MERHS Varsity players had to co-op with Hamilton Wenham and play out of town. This led to deterioration of the conditions at Sweeney Park Softball Field.
MESA’s goal was to fundraise, and over a three-year period, bring the field up to date. In our first year, MESA was thrilled with the amount of donations received. Because of these generous donations, MESA was able to purchase a scoreboard and audio system, upgrade the playing surface, add an outfield fence, as well as upgrade the existing dugouts and batting cage. MESA was also able to purchase some field equipment. The Sweeney Park upgrades brought the facility up to date. MESA was happy our organization’s athletes were able to benefit from these upgrades and build the entire program. The timing could not have been better because MERHS was able to field its own Varsity team and finally play at a home field.
MESA thanks all the organizations and individuals that made all this possible. MESA sends a heartfelt thank you to The Hooper Fund, Cape Ann Savings Bank, Harbor Point Condominium Association, Kelly Automotive Group, SMSquared Property Services, M/E Boosters, The M/E Rotary Club, Crocker’s Boat Yard, Standley’s Garage, Pallazola Brothers Landscaping, and the numerous private donors. MESA also thanks the Manchester Park and Recreation Department, Manchester DPW, MERHS Athletic Department, Manchester Essex Little League, and The Manchester Cricket.
MESA is committed to make the necessary upgrades and maintain the entire facility for all of these dedicated and deserving athletes for years to come.
Paul Steriti, President , Manchester Essex Softball Association