Farmer’s Market Produce for Eligible Manchester Seniors


Manchester senior citizens are invited to participate in the Massachusetts Farmer’s Market Coupon Program, hosted by SeniorCare, Inc. and the Manchester COA.  This program is designed to provide an opportunity for older adults to eat more locally grown fresh vegetables and fruits, enjoy the health benefits and support local farmers.  Instead of issuing Farmers Market Coupons, bags of fresh produce from local farms will be distributed.  Eligible seniors will receive two fresh produce bags on August 9 and 30.  

Participation is limited and based on a first-come, first-served basis, per person.  To register or for more information contact the Council on Aging office at Town Hall.  To qualify for this program:  be at least 60 years of age, have a monthly income at or below $2,248 for a one-person household or $3,041 for a two-person household or participate in at least one of the following means-tested programs: food stamps/SNAP, fuel assistance/low-income home energy assistance, MassHealth, Medicaid, transitional assistance, or emergency aid.   

seniorcare inc., council on aging, manchester, farmer, fuel assistance/low-income home energy assistance, food, massachusetts farmer