To the Editor,
It was disappointing that less than one-half of one-tenth of a percent of Manchester residents attended the presentation on Tuesday, April 2, by TownGreen about how Manchester will be impacted by climate change, in particular water level rises and storm surges.
We are battling each other about things that may seem big now, but that will seem
small and irrelevant 35 years hence in the face of Mother Nature taking back what was
once hers.
We are worried now about changes to the character of our town, but much
bigger changes are ahead that will shift much more than character: some roads will no
longer be navigable, some houses will be sliding into the sea, Masconomet Park will be
covered by water, and Singing Beach will slowly be taken back by the sea.
Our children and
grandchildren will have to bear the brunt of managing the changes that are coming.
Luckily, we have people in our town government who are planning ahead. Check it out on
the Manchester website (look for coastal vulnerability). The meeting was recorded. To
watch the recording, contact
Sylvia Vriesendorp