To the Editor, Why vote YES on Article 13? This petition serves to eliminate confusion, complete the record, and reaffirm the Town’s desire to protect the Open Space known as Powder House Hill …
To the Editor: Turkey's claims: “Israel has been openly committing war crimes for 22 days, but the Western leaders cannot even call on Israel for a cease-fire, let alone react to it,” said …
To the Editor, The Halloween Party at the Memorial School was a very busy location with families dropping in to start their Halloween evening. Pizza slices, drinks, goodie bags and …
To the Editor, Town Meetings don’t fairly represent the majority of voters. The last two town meetings were only attended by 310 and 266 voters out of ~ 4,300 voters (7.2% and 6.2%). In …
To the Editor, We are writing to help residents understand a number of important facts about special permits and Manchester Zoning and to correct a few of the numerous errors in Mr. Keefe’s …
To the Editor, I was surprised to see an article advocating allowing added parking on Beach Street with a town By Law change. Parking past Tappan Street was recently and decisively voted down at …
To the Editor, I am Dahlia Beltramini from Waring school in Beverly. Our writing class is working on a letter to the editor assignment. I have stated a problem I can personally …
To the Editor, It feels strange to think that it’s three years after COVID and many of us are still struggling to find our way. Yet it's true. The past few years have left many …
To the Editor, I write in support of Article 12 on the next town meeting warrant to require all future zoning by-laws changes to be placed on the ballot. This approach is allowed under …
To The Editor, As I pass by the newly re-laid turf field, I see an empty field full of stripes in various hues, assorted nets but, wait, is the contract really finished? To fracture a …
OpEd By Rob Beatty A small group opposed to affordable housing in Manchester have submitted three Petitions for Warrant Articles to be considered at the Special Town Meeting to be held on …
Masconomo Council 1232 Manchester by-the Sea Knights of Columbus recently successfully concluded its annual fall fundraiser. That signature Council program supports a …
To the Editor, Masconomo Council 1232 Manchester by-the Sea Knights of Columbus recently successfully concluded its annual fall fundraiser. That signature Council program supports a wide …
To the Editor, After being present in a couple of our Town’s Board Meetings recently where our Drinking Water was one of the subjects discussed and after reading last week’s article …
To the Editor, Every four years during the Presidential Primary, which is slated for Tuesday March 5, 2024, each Senatorial District elects a Republican State Committee Man and Woman. …
The Arctic is an emerging issue in international politics from both an economic and an environmental point of view, and whether or not the U.S. does increase its military presence, the Arctic will definitely be a point of international contention in the future. This week the ME Regional High School Debate Team explores the PROs and CONs of this important question.
Steve Gang, chair of the recently dissolved Manchester Water Resources Protection Task Force chair writes this week's OpEd that the issue of Manchester’s water supply is deeper than you think.
Joy and beauty are elusive in this post pandemic, divided, burning world we inhabit. Elusive, but not gone, writes Manchester resident William Barth, Jr., MD in this latest edition of "Local Musings."
To the Editor, Manchester Essex Conservation Trust is celebrating 60 years of forests and wetlands in Manchester-by-the-Sea and Essex, and we couldn’t be prouder ...
To the Editor, Here are some questions our Town needs better answers to regarding the new MBTA Zoning Law which requires our small town to have 37 acres ....