This week the popular television show Chronicle on Boston WCVB’s Channel 5 reprised a profile segment on Manchester-by-the-Sea for viewers that it featured several years ago, but it was refreshed to update the piece.
In it, Manchester Parks & Recreation Director Cheryl Marshall was interviewed about the history and popularity of Singing Beach and Tyler Kneisel spoke to Chronicle’s Erika Tarantal about the value of Manchester’s pay-by-docking system to downtown businesses.
The program updated two featured items. First, that Seaside Cycle on Elm Street is now Riverside Cycle and that the Manchester Historical Museum (now Manchester-by-the-Sea Museum) has a new director in Matthew Swindell. Beth Welin, then the museum’s director, shared the history of Manchester-by-the-Sea and the Trask House and she is now on the archive team at the burgeoning Hammond Castle Museum in Gloucester.
Erika Brown