Vote “No” on MBTA / 3A Zoning


To the Editor,

The following is a letter I sent today to the Gloucester City Clerk, Grace and City Councilors on behalf of Gloucester and Cape Ann.
I am requesting that you please vote ‘no’ on MBTA/3A plan for the city of Gloucester.
I have lived in this beautiful seaside city for 43 years and I cannot imagine the countless ‘plans/changes’ that will forever change why I live here and why countless tourists visit this amazing city of Gloucester.
The natural resources of water, the sewage requirements, the traffic which is already quite challenging, the fire and police requirements, and the list goes on – who will pay for this? How will these needs be met? Why would this even be considered for this small community?
And most concerning – the reasons that most of us live here – the simple beauty of this island.
Please do not take away the beauty, the charm and small community living.
I remember when I was in the fourth grade, I lived in Medford, and I lived in the projects. I knew nothing else at that time.
When we moved to Stoneham, I came alive, suddenly I was not playing on tar playgrounds or in the dump, void of trees and beauty.
I was riding my bicycle in nature’s beauty, with fresh air, trees, grass, fields – I came alive.
I have no desire to return to ‘urban living’!
Gloucester has always been that to me – teeming with the beauty that God created His desire that this beautiful sparkling place would be for us and those who visit this island - to enjoy and love.
Hear the heart of the those who care, such as myself, for what could be called “progress,” is not in my eyes.
For me it will remove the reason I live here, the small community and the beauty of the land.
Please vote “no.”
Donna Milham