Unfortunately, due to delays associated with PFAs testing for the shock pad and infill, Sprinturf is now forecasting an 8/30 opening date for Hyland field. The High School Athletics season is scheduled to begin on time on 8/18. Our Athletics Department has reviewed its needs prior to 8/30 and believes that we can accommodate this delay with minimal disruption to our program, by delaying the construction start date for Brook Street field until 8/30, once Hyland field is complete. This will ensure that we retain one open field at all times. The Athletics department will continue to work with the Town Recreation department to optimize use of Brook Street field, and currently does not anticipate any change to MERSD’s historical hours of use at that field.
Sprinturf has agreed to use extra work hours to accelerate the construction schedule for both fields and currently expects to complete Brook Street prior to the contractual deadline of 9/29 as shown in the updated schedule, even after factoring in the delayed start.
On Friday, we did receive the PFAs results for the turf material (carpet) which showed no detectable PFAs. Sprinturf has cited delays associated with enhanced required protocols for testing the shock pad and infill, which is the only cause for the delayed start at Hyland. It is MERSD’s opinion and the opinion of Gale Associates that Sprinturf should be accountable for these delays, as cited in the attached letter. Sprinturf has been notified of all testing requirements on multiple occasions, going back to the original bid documents and project contract. We are looking at all available options under the terms of our contract, which include a potential late fee of $500/day for each day that field opening is delayed past 8/18 (Hyland) and 9/29 (Brook St.).
We understand that this is frustrating news for many, and we are working to minimize the disruption. For questions about the athletic program, please contact Cameron Molinare, and for questions about the construction project, please contact me or MERSD’s Facilities Manager, Jason Waldron.
Who to Contact:
Cameron Molinare, Director of Athletics: Questions about MERSD athletics schedules
Cheryl Marshall, Director of Parks & Recreation: Questions about town youth sports schedules.
Jason Waldron, Facilities Manage: Questions about MERSD facilities rentals or site concerns.
Avi Urbas, Director of Finance & Operations: Questions about project financing, timeline, or general concerns.