Correcting our Town Manager’s Report, “Of Flags and Flagpoles”


To the Editor,

I welcome the opportunity to respond to our Town Manager’s recent Manchester Cricket article of 9/13/24 entitled “Of Flags and Flagpoles.”
Growing up in Manchester to me evokes memories of being different. As a foster child after the death of my mother in a car accident, my sister and I left our four siblings to reside in a foster home in Manchester. For me it was not easy being “different” in this town. I left Manchester immediately after high school to serve in the Active-Duty military, a choice I cherish to this day.
I returned to Manchester after service in the United States Army and my university studies to assist my aging parents. I continued to be driven by the need to serve and I served on various Manchester Town Boards and Committees. I also established dual membership at the Manchester Legion Post #119 both as a Veteran and as an Auxiliary Member, with my wife joining as an Auxiliary member as well. I served as our Legion’s Post Commander for several terms.
Even then, as a Commander of the Legion my wife and I were harassed for being “different” as a same gender couple. We had photos that included us at Legion events being defiled and defaced and those photos posted on the building’s public bulletin boards, among other episodes. However, alongside the amazing John Gilmore, we resolved many of the financial and management problems occurring at the Legion Post at that time. Now there is a charge by the Manchester Legion Post #119 and our Town Government to not have the LGBTQ+ Progress Flag be flown on the Town Flagpole, which is located adjacent to the Town Honor Role which lists the names of those entering Military service From Manchester.
My correction and clarification of Town Manager Federspiel’s recent article are as follows:

  1. In his article he writes, “To many residents, the construction of the Honor Role changed the nature of the use of the flagpole, dedicating it solely to honoring those served in the military.” My question to Manager Federspiel is, “Which residents?”  Have town residents had a say in this to date?  I have attended every meeting on this issue, and I have not been informed of any poll or vote by town residents on this issue.  Also, the Town flagpole has been utilized as a Town flagpole since inception, so why are we changing it now? And at what cost?
  2. Manager Federspiel goes on to say, “To do this best, goes the thinking, only the America Flag and the MIA/POW flag should be flown on this pole, not other commemorative flags.” My question is whose thinking are you referencing Manager Federspiel?  Yours?  The Select Board?  The Legion?
  3. Manager Federspiel also reports in his article “… flying the third flag has caused damage to the rigging and the lighting of the pole. However, Bruce Heisey of the Legion reported at the latest Select Board meeting on this issue that the Flagpole rigging and lighting became broken in November, while The LGBTQ+ Progress flag flies only for the month of June.  So, clearly, it was not the LGBTQ Progress flag that caused the damage.
  4. Manager Federspiel goes on to report, “Replacing this pole would be more costly and disruptive to the Honor Role Installation.” However, at the last meeting I attended on this subject both Bruce Heisey and the Select Board reported that the cost to replace the current Town flagpole with a taller flag pole (if needed) versus purchasing and installing a new flag pole in a different location on Town common would be the same.  They reported that cost at approximately $10,000 to the town.  Added to this is the fact that a landscape architect was already hired by the Town and a plan was presented at this Select Board meeting of the potential new locations for another flagpole.  Also, I would like to ask what was the cost of hiring the landscape architect and who paid for that work?
  5. Manager Federspiel closes his article with, “Further discussions will take pace to map out a good way forward that allows the Honor Role installation to be dedicated to its purpose… .” During this meeting Select Board member Round proposed that the Select Board award the land around and including the Honor Role and Town Flagpole to the Legion Post #119.  Select Board member Round was corrected by the Select Board chairperson who reminded those, for the record, that Town land can only be conveyed by a vote of the residents at Town Meeting.  Also isn’t the Honor Role a separate entity from the Town flagpole?  Or was it always meant to be just a Legion post “installation”, as Manager Federspiel now refers to it.  Prior to this article Manager Federspiel reported the Honor Role as one entity and the Town flagpole as another. 

In closing, I am well aware that some question the necessity of this discussion. However, to those of us who are seen as different in this town, our Town Manager and government should consider the question, are we truly a town that welcomes diversity?
Sadly, that has not been my experience but, I will continue the charge to try and make it easier and more welcoming for our LGBTQ+ community and Allies in the future.
Thank you for listening.
Hope Watt-Bucci, Ph.D.