To the Editor, We, former members of the Manchester Master Plan Committee, are writing to endorse Chris Olney and Susan Hanson-Philbrick for election to the Manchester Planning Board. We thank …
To the Editor, A few weeks ago, I attended the Joint meeting of the Board of Selectman, Finance Committee and the MERSD administration. I and another resident mentioned how the school district …
To the Editor: On May 1 at the Town Meeting and May 8 at the ballot, the residents of Essex will have the opportunity to preserve the quality of education for our children by voting YES on an …
To the Editor, National Library Week is April 23-29. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the incredible staff of the Manchester Public Library who are always there with a smile and a …
To the Editor, Occasionally there is a candidate for office who is uniquely experienced, trustworthy, and open-minded. We are fortunate to have such a person in Susan Philbrick running for …
To the Editor, I write this letter to focus voters on the Town Election taking place on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, at the Memorial School. As voters, we have residents who have taken out papers, …
To the Editor, One of my favorite days each year -- “celebrated” this Saturday, April 22, 2023. More than a billion people (12.68 percent of the Earth’s population) celebrate Earth Day to …
To the Editor, I would like to thank and congratulate the Manchester Legion Post 113, the First Congregational Church, and the Manchester Masonic Lodge for hosting the model train show this past …
To the Editor, The Environmental Protection Agency has determined that three widely-used neonicotinoid insecticides likely harm roughly three-fourths of all endangered plants and animals, …
To the Editor, I wanted to thank the voters of Manchester at our Annual Town Meeting for the thoughtful and careful consideration and passing of the new adult entertainment by-law. I think the …
Biometric data is implicated whenever someone’s identity must be verified. The question is simple: is it better to verify someone’s identity manually (with a password or by matching them to a …
To the Editor, We would like to take this opportunity to thank those who helped make this year’s Easter Sunrise Breakfast another huge success. Thanks to Commander Alan Kirker and the …
To the Editor, Yesterday's Town Meeting exemplified an HONEST FREE ELECTION. Moderator Wilson wielded the authoritative gavel with transparent passion for freedom to speak and rules alike. …
I write to thank the 300 voters who made time to attend the Annual Town Meeting on Monday. Although the warrant was fairly short, many of the articles involved financial, legal or practical issues …
To the Editor, Oh dear, “nasty and snide” -- interesting. My letter included facts, and no commentary about people dedicating their time and energy to ensure smooth running of our town. …
To the Editor, We write to correct an error in Jon Keefe’s letter published in last week’s Cricket. He stated that “we cannot vote in absentia due to the town’s bylaws.” Mr. Keefe is …
To the Editor, WE'RE BACK!!! After taking a break for three years because of Covid, we're gonna give it a shot. The 32nd Breakfast for those attending the Sunrise Service at Singing Beach …
To the Editor, This Monday, April 3, you have the opportunity and civic obligation to make your voice heard on a variety of issues that could both temporarily and permanently change our beautiful …
To The Editor, I want to thank Gary Gilbert for his letter to the Cricket in support of our town volunteers and town workers. His letter has inspired me to join in with my support of our …
To the Editor, In his letter to the Cricket of March 17, the snide remarks of Mr. Brown and his implied accusation of deceit and incompetence on the parts of our volunteer boards and Town …